Tuesday, 28 May 2013

My first green triangle

I've made my first green triangle in Ingress. Here it is:

For the effort I have put in, I get +744 Mind Units (MUs) for the Enlightened faction. This was done while I grinded my way up to level 3. The game does get somewhat easier the higher you advance, but it also means you do a lot more grinding to get up to higher levels.

I'm not sure on the strategy to follow. Either I will let the Resistance faction take back what I have claimed, or I will defend what I have claimed. The game does not seem to have a definite path, except for the constant exchange of portals between the two factions.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Looks like Google came out with a better game

I came up with a game a long time ago, when I was bored and working in Canberra. Thinking about how isolated it was, I wonder sometimes why someone else did not come up with the game sooner. I called it the blog photo game.

Anyway, it appears that Google have come out with a far better version: Ingress.

If you have the opportunity to play this game, I highly suggest it. It turns your Android phone into a "scanner" and then you take photos, and check-in to locations around your city, or your country. At the bare essence of the game, you are now employed by Google to make sure their "geo-data" in your city is accurate. It also allows for the creation of other applications like Field Trip.

My apologies to the Apple iPhone faithful. The game is solely for Android appliances. While you may be happy in the fact that you are not an unpaid employee of Google, you are missing out on the fun of this game. Apparently an Apple version is due out soon.