Saturday 21 March 2009

Lasagne made by an italian

KittyKat came around last night and made a lasagne from scratch. Now seeing how KittyKat is from Italian heritage, I asked her if there was going to be any Béchamel sauce on it. The reason I asked, was that I have been told repeatedly by qualified people in the hospitality industry that Béchamel sauce is a French invention, and only used on commercial or westernised versions of lasagne, and additionally that it ruined the taste and texture of a traditional Italian lasagne. I know different now - and from an Italian.

Lasagne fresh out of the ovenDinner cooked by Kitty KatDinner cooked by KittyKat

1 comment:

  1. Italy France either one could have made Béchamel sauce first, but as there lots of intercourse between the two countries I am happy to have both countries can claim it. The main point is that only the rich could have used fresh milk back in the mists of time, as it was too hard to keep without refrigeration.
